How To Design A Child's Bedroom

How To Design A Child's Bedroom

Designing and decorating a kid's bedroom is a process that inevitably draws out the inner child in us: an opportunity to create the bedroom we would have liked for ourselves had we been in charge all those years ago. However, embarking on this journey – a potential melting pot of stripes, sparkles, neons and pastels – requires exercising some restraint to avoid having to swallow an unpleasant-tasting dose of, 'I told you so,' later on down the line.

Many of the beautiful qualities abundant in children – imagination, creativity, expression – can be usefully harnessed when decorating a kid's room, but the whimsicality we so admire in them can often be a false friend: just because they wanted a Minions themed bedroom yesterday, doesn't mean they'll want one in two years' time. Be open to ideas and suggestions, but if you're designing a bedroom to last, keep one eye focused on the future.

A child's bedroom needs to serve multiple purposes – playroom, study and sanctuary – but its most important role is to provide your child (whatever their age) with a place of comfort and safety to lay their weary heads at the end of a busy day. Whatever your budget or space constraints, below you'll find 10 tips to help you design and decorate an enduring space for your child to flourish in.

A child's bedroom filled with soft toys and pastel coloured soft furnishings
Create a calming, comforting children's room with soft colours and softer furnishings


For a scheme with staying power pick a neutral colour for the walls that will serve as a blank canvas for decorative objects, and the rapidly changing tastes of the room's occupant. If you want to introduce colour and pattern perhaps limit yourself to just one wall or the ceiling; and if you can't resist a bit of wallpaper, make sure the motif is gentle enough so as not to dominate the entire space.

A child's bedroom with a grey wall and a hanging moon print
Neutral coloured walls are a perfect backdrop for art and wall decor


The key to any well organised bedroom is good storage, but in the context of a child's room it is of paramount importance. Where once the only destination for storage containers was the nearest Argos, now we're spoilt for choice with online access to a veritable Aladdin's cave of pompoms, raffia and woven seagrass. Whatever type of storage you go for, it should embody the perfect combination of form, function but most importantly a dose of fun.

A paper storage bag with a smiley face on it in a kids' room
Storage doesn't have to be boring, find fun storage solutions for kids

Feature furniture

Designing within a limited budget requires patience and a discerning eye for a bargain. Persistence in hunting down the perfect feature piece – be it an antique wardrobe, a storage chest or an unusual bed frame takes time. If you don't have the time to spare, try modernising an existing item by painting it in eye-catching, jewel-like colours.

A children's room with brightly coloured furniture and home accessories
Accents of bright, bold colour adds fun and playfulness to a space


Art is a great way to bring visual interest to a bedroom, and can be a useful tool when it comes to dictating a colour scheme: pops of colour can be mirrored in bed linen and soft furnishings, helping to unify the space in a subtle and harmonious way. Graphic or modernist prints can lend a more sophisticated tone to spaces inhabited by older kids.

A children's bedroom with art on the walls of all different shapes and sizes
Fill walls with art in all different shapes and sizes

Decor and accessories

If you're keeping your walls simple, bunting, vinyl stickers and wall hangings can dress up a plain backdrop and be easily removed as your child's interests evolve. If you want a feature that will inspire creativity and the inclination to enjoy homework from toddlerdom to teenagehood, think about installing a strip of chalkboard, or daubing some chalkboard paint across part of a wall.

A children's bedroom with brightly coloured wall decals in balloon and giraffe shapes.Blank walls can be a canvas for bright, fun, inspirational decor
Blank walls can be a canvas for bright, fun, inspirational decor

Layers of light

The importance of lighting should never be underestimated when decorating a kid's bedroom: fairy lights help to create a cosy ambience, spots create warmth, task lighting above or beside beds helps to encourage reading and lampshades on ceiling lights bring focus to a room. Falling asleep under fairy lights, or from the gentle glow of a friendly animal lamp, gives some much needed reassurance and comfort to those of us still a little afraid of the dark.

A bedside lamp in the shape of a white scotty dog
Add a playful touch with statement lighting

Hang out areas

Kids bedrooms aren't just for sleeping in, they also function as a space for quiet contemplation (after a telling off), for study, and for play. As such, it's a good idea to define these different spaces: make reading more fun by introducing bean bags or hanging chairs, encourage study and crafts with a desk, or install a mini tepee for some cosy play time.

A teepee in a child's bedroom filled with cushions and sheepskin rugs as
A teepee provides a separate space for kids to play

Soft furnishings

Rugs, curtains, cushions and bed linen all provide opportunities to introduce pattern, colour and texture to your kid's bedroom in a relatively inexpensive way. A canopy draped around the head of the bed provides an abundance of slumberous security when a trip to the Land of Nod beckons. Bed linen of contrasting colour and pattern heralds an element of fun, and an oh-so-soft sheepskin rug provides some warmth and texture for under little feet.

A children's bedroom with soft furnishings
Soft furnishings add colour and interest to a child's room in a safe way

Versatile pieces

Maintaining a 'buy-one-get-one-free' attitude when designing a kid's room is a sensible thing to do. A chest of drawers can double as a baby changing station, and revert back to its original purpose once nappies are a thing of the past. If you don't want your child's room overrun with toys and general clutter, beds with pull out storage drawers are a no-brainer.

A child's room with picture on the wall and a bed that doubles as storag
Maximise space with versatile pieces that double as storage solutions


Ceilings are woefully undervalued areas of bedroom real estate. Often left bare save a light fixture or two, a ceiling offers a chance to make a bold move where mistakes won't matter quite as much as those made on the floor or walls. Release your inner Alexander Calder by hanging a serenely floating mobile whose gentle motion will softly lull your little ones to sleep.

The ceiling of a child's bedroom with hanging pom pom decorations and fairy lights
Make the most of bare ceilings with colourful mobiles in abundance

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How To Design A Child's Bedroom


How To Design A Child's Bedroom How To Design A Child's Bedroom Reviewed by inan on Desember 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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